The NC House is set to debate its budget proposal today, and much will be written about the details this week. But two sections in particular have several items of note to keep in ... Keep Reading
waste of the week
All Aboard! Empty “Express” Buses are Waste of the Week
$110 per round-trip commute. That's what taxpayers are paying to subsidize riders of the Johnston County Express. The Express is a bus service established to help alleviate traffic ... Keep Reading
The Hunt Institute: Taxpayer-Funded Advocacy
This week's edition of the Waste of the Week is the Hunt Institute. The UNC-Chapel Hill affiliate has been receiving millions of taxpayer dollars for years to advance highly ... Keep Reading
Waste of the Week: UNC-TV
This week the Civitas Institute's "Waste of the Week" spotlights North Carolina's taxpayer subsidized television station: UNC-TV. Here is a slice: State tax dollars provide about ... Keep Reading
Waste of the Week: Taxpayer-Funded Museum for Banjo Player
In the second installment of the Civitas Institute's new feature entitled "Waste of the Week," we spotlight the new Earle Scruggs Center, a museum dedicated to the deceased banjo ... Keep Reading
State Government’s ‘Waste of the Week’
This week marks a new regular feature by the Civitas Institute entitled "Waste of the Week." Think that NC state government has been "cut to the bone" and has been tightly trimmed ... Keep Reading