The first article I read during this election season that predicted a Hillary Clinton victory (using voter turnout) in North Carolina was dated October 12 and written by Jeremy W. ... Keep Reading
voter turnout
Democrats’ Weakness a Gender Gap?
The three charts are taken from NC Vote Tracker and show early voting turnout by gender by political party. Democrat voter numbers show 21,824 (60.8 percent) women voted in the ... Keep Reading
NC Vote Tracker and the 2016 “Special” Election
It’s Election Day in North Carolina and even before the polls opened at 6:30 a.m. this morning 87,595 people had already voted in the June 7, 2016 special primary ... Keep Reading
Anti-VIVA Activists Battle Facts
The court battle over the Voter Information Verification Act (VIVA), the landmark election reform legislation signed into law in 2013, will begin again in a few weeks. U.S. Judge ... Keep Reading
Look to to Follow Early Voting in NC
Today is the first day of one-stop voting (in-person early voting). The first day’s turnout numbers will be reflected on NC Vote Tracker ( tomorrow ... Keep Reading