Lawmakers should act while courts ponder the state’s previous reforms. Common-sense steps can help ensure all voters are treated equally. Better ID and SDR procedures would ... Keep Reading
Voter Information Verification Act
Donald Trump Is Right: People Could Vote 10 Times
Presidential candidate Donald Trump in a FOX News interview said, "People are going to walk in and vote ten times maybe -- who knows?" Trump couldn't be more right. Without ... Keep Reading
One Elections Board Member Vetoes Hour Changes
Many county election boards can accommodate early voters with fewer hours, thus saving money One member of the State Board of Elections, however, is preventing counties from ... Keep Reading
Anti-VIVA Activists Battle Facts
The court battle over the Voter Information Verification Act (VIVA), the landmark election reform legislation signed into law in 2013, will begin again in a few weeks. U.S. Judge ... Keep Reading
Seeing Jim Crow in the DOJ
This article by Hans Von Spakovsky gives me a chance to tell you about a panel discussion taking place in Charlotte on Monday night. Michel Martin of NPR will host the ... Keep Reading
JWPCI newspaper August 2013
The legislature and the governor pass landmark conservative reforms. Civitas Capitol Connection is the monthly newspaper of the Civitas Institute. ... Keep Reading