Lost by some during the Black Lives Matter protests and civil disorder is the continued crime surge in Charlotte and other urban areas across the nation. To their credit, the ... Keep Reading
Property crime is particularly brutal to those who played by the rules during COVID-19 crisis
Below is my recent interview on the Tyler Cralle Show in defense of a robust understanding of property rights that seems to be missed by some leaders in North Carolina and the ... Keep Reading
Why the government must protect the right to private property
“The prime element in the value of any property is the knowledge that its peaceful enjoyment will be publicly defended." —Calvin Coolidge Property rights are an ancient idea but ... Keep Reading
Why socialism so often results in violence
A March survey from 1,700 Americans recently published by the Cato Institute foreshadows a few ominous signs for our Republic. Perhaps the most interesting tidbit that came out of ... Keep Reading
Elizabeth Warren’s DNA Results, Growing Violence Against Conservatives, and Halloween Costumes
Did Elizabeth Warren's decision to undergo a Trump-taunt induced DNA test hurt her chance to run in 2020? What Halloween costumes are on this year's politically incorrect naughty ... Keep Reading
Why are taxes are so high? So we can play tennis!
With all the national issues it turns out to be a local one that best crystallizes the problem with runaway government. In the Raleigh News and Observer today we have an article, ... Keep Reading