State finances have improved dramatically over the last decade, but state employee pension and health benefit liabilities still loom large This is remaining residue from decades ... Keep Reading
unfunded liabilities
Aging Population and Growing Liabilities to Cause Fiscal Tsunami
There is a significant demographic change occurring in North Carolina that virtually no one is talking about. A change that will have major implications for the state’s fiscal ... Keep Reading
North Carolina One of 40 States that “Can’t Pay Its Bills”
North Carolina was identified as one of 40 states that has more outstanding financial obligations than funds available to meet them. Unfunded pension and retiree healthcare ... Keep Reading
N&O Article Misleads on Unfunded Liabilities
SEANC leader paints unfunded liabilities fix as “not difficult” But massive liabilities have every NC family of four on the hook for $16k Fully funding these liabilities ... Keep Reading
State Pension Fund’s Liabilities Continue to Grow
State Treasurer Dale Folwell's office yesterday issued a release reporting on the financial performance of the state's pension fund. State Treasurer Dale R. Folwell, CPA reported ... Keep Reading
Overpromising, Not Underfunding, Causing Pension Liability Growth
The latest data shows that North Carolina's unfunded state pension liability has grown to $7.9 billion. This figure is likely highly understated, however, given the overly ... Keep Reading
Why Medicaid, Pensions and Retiree Health Benefits Are So Important to the Budget
This Wall Street Journal article discusses how Medicaid and public pensions are two of the primary factors squeezing state budgets. These days, they (pensions and Medicaid) ... Keep Reading
Warnings from Illinois
Columnist George Will highlights just how dire the fiscal circumstances are for the state of Illinois, which underscores the importance of that state's gubernatorial race this ... Keep Reading
Budget Would End State Retiree Health Benefits for Future Hires
The provision in the state budget that will have the most significant long-term impact on the fiscal health of our state government is making few headlines. On page 406 of the ... Keep Reading
Pennsylvania Enacts Pension Reform; NC Should Take Notice
Pennsylvania legislators this week approved reforms to their pension program for state retirees, a move that is expected to save taxpayers billions. Most state employees and all ... Keep Reading