As far back as ten months ago, I wrote about North Carolina's mounting debt burden for the billions it borrowed from the Federal government to cover unemployment benefits. Indeed, ... Keep Reading
unemployment insurance
House Speaker Says Gov.’s Unemployment Order Isn’t Legal
Governor Beverly Perdue signed an executive order today telling the Employment Security Commission to reconfigure the formula so thousands of the unemployed are eligible for more ... Keep Reading
Senate Bill Seeks to Address Unemployment Insurance Debt to Feds
I've written here before about the massive debt North Carolina owes to the federal government for money it loaned NC to cover our unemployment benefits over the last couple of ... Keep Reading
More Faulty Economic Fallacies from Pelosi, CBO
Nancy Pelosi and like-minded leftists defend extensions of unemployment insurance in large part because they claim it will "stimulate" the economy. The theory is basic: put money ... Keep Reading
Unemployment Benefits Yet Another Wave in NC’s “Fiscal Tsunami”
Depending on a forthcoming vote by the U.S. Senate, extended unemployment benefits may soon run out. According to the N&O: The federal government's phase-out of emergency ... Keep Reading
Unabated Unemployment
The national unemployment rate is hovering at 10 percent, while in North Carolina, according to the latest report by the state’s Employment Security Commission (NCESC), statewide ... Keep Reading