2020 has been a tough year for North Carolina public schools. Gov. Roy Cooper’s response to the Coronavirus has closed many public schools or morphed them into virtual learning ... Keep Reading
teacher pay
A Better Carolina: The facts about education spending
Educating the next generation is one of the most important responsibilities of state government. For the last decade critics of the Republican education policies claim the General ... Keep Reading
Plenty of focus on teacher pay but what about police?
Violent scenes of anarchy in cities like Kenosha, Wisconsin, and Portland, Oregon, and the nation’s capital are a reminder that police have dangerous and difficult jobs. Those jobs ... Keep Reading
A Decade of NC Teacher Pay: Numbers point towards improvement
Teachers have fared poorly under Republican leadership in the General Assembly. That is an oft-repeated phrase of Progressives and members of the North Carolina Association of ... Keep Reading
NC teacher pay 30th; when cost-of-living included, 26th
The National Education Association’s (NEA) Annual Rankings of States and Estimates of School Statistics was released yesterday. North Carolina ranked 30th for average teacher ... Keep Reading
NCAE dislikes teacher pay proposal
NCAE is surly – again. The organization is not happy about a proposal (SB 818) that would give teachers their annual step increases plus a $350 bonus. In a statement, North ... Keep Reading
DPI: Average NC teacher salary hits $54,682, second highest in the Southeast
By Dr. Terry Stoops Every February, the Information Analysis section of the Division of School Business at the NC Department of Public Instruction (DPI) publishes “Highlights ... Keep Reading
Teacher pay: myths, facts and a better way
Teacher pay: myths and facts Teachers are underpaid and disrespected in North Carolina. That’s an oft-repeated refrain of activist teacher organizations like the North Carolina ... Keep Reading
Why keeping education in the headlines is good for school choice
Education is already a huge issue in North Carolina and Gov. Roy Cooper and Democrats are intent on making it even bigger. Cooper and his party are gambling that the state budget ... Keep Reading
Gov. Cooper’s big gamble on blocking teacher pay raises
In all likelihood, Gov. Roy Cooper will have a competitive race for reelection in his bid for a second term in 2020. Despite his consistently strong showing in Civitas Polls, races ... Keep Reading