Lots of people seem to know how to spend your money better than you do. If you were suddenly a "Powerball" winner, after the government got their 44 percent cut, there is little ... Keep Reading
Civitas Poll: Voters Want Tax Protection
A new Civitas Poll of registered, unaffiliated North Carolina voters shows that an overwhelming majority of North Carolina Unaffiliated voters support an amendment to the North ... Keep Reading
Taxpayer-Funded Workers Caught Wasting Time
WSOC, channel 9 in Charlotte, investigated some humble public servants to see how they spend their day and our tax dollars. To those of us who understand the difference in ... Keep Reading
Something Welfare Recipients Can Be Happy About: Drug Tests and Background Checks
In theory, no one wants to be on welfare. While everyone is keenly aware that life can have some rough patches, no one wants to live in a society where families are dependent on ... Keep Reading
Civitas Poll: NC Voters Want Taxpayer Bill of Rights to Limit State Spending
Raleigh, N.C. – Amidst a record budget deficit, 67 percent of North Carolina voters support a Taxpayer Bill of Rights that would tie annual spending growth to population plus ... Keep Reading
“Truth in Lending” Act for Taxpayers
To "protect" consumers, the Federal government passed the "Truth in Lending" act in 1968. A major part of this act was for lenders to disclose to borrowers a complete payment ... Keep Reading
Healthcare: Portability is the Key
So the unions have finally figured out that the government-created system of employer-based insurance has a fatal flaw: "Approximately three-fourths of American workers are ... Keep Reading