I almost fell out of my chair this morning when I read this line in an N&O article: Excuse us, governor, and forgive our impertinence - but what's so hard to understand here? ... Keep Reading
State Committee Continues to Examine Sales Tax on Services
In a joint meeting of the state Senate and House Finance committees yesterday, further discussion of North Carolina's sales tax was the main focus. Specifically, members were ... Keep Reading
Define “Ever”
As Francis pointed out earlier, Gov. Bev Perdue seems to be bending the truth when it comes to her stance on the gas tax. During her announcement on of a controversial funding ... Keep Reading
Watch what Perdue does – not what she says!
Yesterday Gov. Bev Perdue was talking about completing the I-485 loop around Charlotte. While talking she said: "We want you to have a reason to bring it in under budget, and done ... Keep Reading
So Why Did They Raise Taxes?
In August, we were all told by the leadership of the General Assembly that $1.1 billion in tax increases were necessary in order to stave off massive, destructive cuts to ... Keep Reading
Does She Really?
Gov. Bev Perdue is honoring veterans today by pandering for military votes telling businesses that they should hire more veterans by participating in a new program called "I Hire ... Keep Reading
Hagan gives no clear answer on health care reform
In an N&O article, Sen. Kay Hagan says, "I think people have to get their heads around this, that we can't continue where we are right now …We're in a window of opportunity ... Keep Reading
No Boeing for NC
Despite the wooing of Gov. Bev Perdue and the undoubted promise of hundreds of millions in incentives, Boeing has eliminated North Carolina from consideration on where to build its ... Keep Reading
Why are taxes are so high? So we can play tennis!
With all the national issues it turns out to be a local one that best crystallizes the problem with runaway government. In the Raleigh News and Observer today we have an article, ... Keep Reading
$1.1B Tax Increase in NC Budget
There have been some reports that the tax increase contained in the NC budget was to be $990 million. Those reports appear to be premature. According to the estimates in the ... Keep Reading