For a roundup of Civitas policy briefs on the N.C. state budget, visit here. ... Keep Reading
Priming the Government’s Pump
As gas prices burden summer drivers, one state is demanding that stations NOT give discounts. Thankfully it's not N.C. Then again, we have the highest fuel taxes in the Southeast. ... Keep Reading
Transfer Tax Looms
Civitas's own Brian Balfour discusses (pdf) the horrible transfer tax that would mean the government takes a chunk everytime you sell your home. Leave it to the General Assembly to ... Keep Reading
Temporary Taxes Should Go
Government growth proceeds apace even as revenue surpluses are coming in. Brian Balfour argues in this policy brief (pdf) that N.C. can fund its current projects adequately, ... Keep Reading
The “Temporary” Tax Has Got to Go
Whose Laffing now? The N.C. state budget surplus is projected to be on the order of $1.1billion. From a memorandum by the Fiscal Research Division of the N.C. Dept. of Revenue:The ... Keep Reading
Poor Mouthing the Freedom Budget
Fitzsimon over at NC Policy Watch takes a pot-shot at the John Locke foundation for their annual alternative NC budget, known as the "freedom budget." The Policy Watcher ... Keep Reading
Tax Scrooges?
The Progressive Pulse should stay away from ad hominem generalizations like this. First of all, "Scrooge" is not an appropriate allusion here. What was considered morally ... Keep Reading
An Equitable Tax System
A recent study shows lower-income families pay a higher percentage of income in taxes. The folks over at NC Blue would like to see an equitable tax system for "working ... Keep Reading