Slate -- of all outlets -- is running a piece that asks why Missouri has the lowest-priced gas in the country. Three reasons: 1) Gas taxes -- Missouri's gas tax is 17.6 cents per ... Keep Reading
Easley on Taxes
Anyone see/hear Gov. Mike Easley criticize the Bush tax cuts and ergo McCain for wanting to "continue to give tax breaks to the rich" during his introduction of Sen. ... Keep Reading
Lessons From the Great Lakes
The economic woes up in my former home state of Michigan continue. Unfortunately for those that have not yet escaped, Governor Granholm somehow believes that state government can ... Keep Reading
Burn One for the Teachers
Easley wants you to puff more so he can give N.C. teachers a 7% pay raise. That is, if the $.20 additional tax doesn't get you to quit. Regressive taxes and lung cancer for the ... Keep Reading
Read Our Lips: “No New Taxes!”
Our friend Mitch Kokai sums up the beating voters laid on local option tax increases last night."No North Carolina county has endorsed the land-transfer tax. That tax went ... Keep Reading
Balfour Evicerates Another Taxation Myth
See Brian Balfour's letter to the Cary News, which cuts up the guilt-envy-mythology of some leftist arguing by omission. Some juicy bits:Ms. Wiehe attempts to exploit class envy ... Keep Reading
Taxes: Common Sense to Rockingham County
Jeffrey Sykes has a piece up in the Reidsville Review today that makes a lot of sense. Apply it statewide.-Max Borders ... Keep Reading
Civitas Poll: 2/3rds Think Taxes are Too High
As everyone celebrates tax day today, we are releasing results of our April DecisionMaker poll that shows that 2/3rds of NC voters think the amount of taxes they pay are too high ... Keep Reading
More Lakoff-like Pap from Richard Conniff
Conniff borrows from Lakoff (which we've covered here). Here's Professor Boudreaux's response:Richard Conniff proposes that the money we pay to government be called ... Keep Reading
Predatory Bureaucrats
This letter in the Williamsport Sun-Gazette poses a question that many will find difficult to answer:"I wonder if the politicians' recent "suggestions" to lenders to ... Keep Reading