By now, you likely have heard about the White House's latest foray into comedic propaganda - their laughable claim that the federal stimulus has "saved or created" between 2.5 ... Keep Reading
UNC History Professor Needs an Economics Lesson
A UNC-Chapel Hill history professor decided to weigh in on the economy in yesterday's N&O. In so doing, he proves that he should stick to history because he displays an ... Keep Reading
More Stimulus Nonsense
The President is slated to visit Charlotte today to tour a facility that manufactures "green" battery parts and defend his wealth-destroying "stimulus" bill. Regarding the ... Keep Reading
Cocaine Monkeys on the Loose?
"In the hours after a monkey on the lam fell into a woman's pool and then swiped some fruit from her backyard tree, fans of the wily primate cheered it for avoiding capture." This ... Keep Reading
Red State Catches Monkey Fever
It seems the folks at Red State have notice our cocaine and monkeys article and have written a post about it. They also were quite creative in coming up with the following image to ... Keep Reading
Bug Off
On a somewhat related note to Civitas being mentioned on Fox News, last night Hannity began a series examining wasteful stimulus projects from around the country. The first ... Keep Reading
Civitas on Drudge
Today's Drudge Report links to a McClatchy News article discussing my recent article on "The 10 Worst Federal Stimulus Projects in North Carolina." ... Keep Reading
Cocaine for Monkeys Getting Media Attention
WSOC in Winston-Salem did a story last night on Civitas' Brian Balfour's Top 10 Worst Federal Stimulus Projects in NC: ... Keep Reading
Hot Flashes, Dead Bugs, and Cocaine for Monkeys
No, that's not the title of some new whacked-out reality show on an obscure cable network. Rather, it is the title of the Civitas Institute's list of The 10 Worst Federal Stimulus ... Keep Reading
Stimulating North Carolina
According to, North Carolina will receive approximately $8.9 billion from President Obama’s stimulus plan passed in February 2009. It ought to be easy for Governor ... Keep Reading