Last week, Public School Forum reported that NEA's West Virginia affiliate, the West Virginia Education Association suggested that counties in that state use part of the state’s ... Keep Reading
Checking in on the Stimulus Bill
This afternoon I made a trip to North Carolina’s stimulus tracker website. It is amazing how much money has been spent in this state by President Obama’s February 2009 stimulus ... Keep Reading
Weak Defense of Those “Coked-Up Monkeys”
In today's Winston-Salem Journal, a spokesperson for Wake Forest University penned an article defending the stimulus projects receiving funding that have been targeted for ... Keep Reading
Tax Hikes, Stimulus Funds Helped Fuel Half a Billion Spending Increase in FY 2009-10
The Office of State Controller has posted its General Fund Monthly Financial Report for June; which is significant because it contains year-end summaries for actual revenue ... Keep Reading
Idle Resources Excuse Doesn’t Validate Stimulus Spending
Defenders of economic "stimulus" schemes insist that during a recession,government must step in to get idle resources working again. Spending on anything, anywhere will put idle ... Keep Reading
More Stimulus Nonsense From a Local Economics Professor
Yesterday's N&O features an op-ed making the claim that the federal government's response to the recession failed because it didn't go far enough. The article seriously lacks ... Keep Reading
Lefties Cling to Discredited Study on Stimulus Claims
Today's N&O features an article by Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody's Analytics. In the article, Zandi claims that without the federal stimulus, our economy would be in ... Keep Reading
More Stimulus Waste
Making the rounds on the news today is this report produced by Senators Tom Coburn of Oklahoma and John McCain of Arizona itemizing 100 wasteful stimulus projects from around the ... Keep Reading
Gov’t Stimulus Boosts Gov’t Power at Everyone Else’s Expense
Today's Greensboro News & Record included my letter to the editor discussing government stimulus schemes: A recent editorial discussing the federal government’s stimulus funds ... Keep Reading
Tough Sell
The White House trotted out Labor Sectretary Hilda Solis to Charlotte yesterday to try to fool more people into believing their "the stimulus has saved or created a bunch of jobs - ... Keep Reading