An article in the Wall Street Journal today again reminds us of the real U.S. debt -- and the real financial burden NC imposes on taxpayers. To look at NC, let's turn to a study ... Keep Reading
Will New State Leaders Finally Rein in State Spending?
WRAL's Mark Binker writes about the prospect of a Taxpayer Bill of Rights getting serious consideration under the new legislature (and governor) in 2013. While ballot measures ... Keep Reading
“Education Governor” Gets a C Grade
Governor Beverly Perdue received an average grade in the newest Fiscal Policy Report Card on America’s Governors from the Cato Institute. In addition to an overall grade, the ... Keep Reading
Senators McCain and Graham say North Carolina is a Good Example of Need for Romney
Arizona Senator John McCain and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham made campaign stops in North Carolina Tuesday for Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney. They were ... Keep Reading
Art Pope greets his protesters
A small group of protesters showed up outside a luncheon in Raleigh sponsored by the Civitas Institute. A new poll on political races was to be unveiled. Businessman and former ... Keep Reading
David Rouzer RNC Speech Transcript
David Rouzer speech to Republican National Convention Republican Candidate for Congress, Seventh District of North Carolina Hello North Carolina, hello America. You can feel ... Keep Reading
What the Tax-Free Weekend Can Teach Us
Did you venture out to purchase school supplies for your aspiring young scholar during our state’s tax-free weekend? Or, perhaps your child’s school days have long passed and you ... Keep Reading
DHHS Wants Huge New Campus
The state Department of Health and Human Services is looking for a new home to consolidate the staff strewn around Wake County. It is asking for bids on space that could be leased ... Keep Reading
First GOP Led Session Ends With High Notes for Republicans
Republicans, along with some Democrats, dealt Democratic Governor Bev Perdue multiple blows with veto overrides to conclude the first legislative session led by Republicans in 140 ... Keep Reading
Gov Perdue Vetoes Legislative Budget
Governor Beverly Perdue called a press conference Friday morning to say she was going to veto the budget passed by the General Assembly. Click on the video report... ... Keep Reading