Somewhere, Matthew Lesko must be smiling.In this brief, Cato Institute's Chris Edwards documents the jaw-dropping number of federal subsidy programs that hand out ... Keep Reading
Legislative Hypocrisy
Attending a meeting of the House Committee on Election Law and Campaign Finance Reform I listened to two bills (among others) being discussed and couldn't help ... Keep Reading
Liquor taxes & budget savings
Governor Perdue has proposed increasing the tax on liquor with a 5% surcharge to provide more tax dollars for state government. At the same time she wants new ... Keep Reading
New American Tea Party Hits Raleigh!
Community organizers of a different stripe gathered in Raleigh this weekend to display their anger about the stimulus, big government and ever increasing taxes. The movement ... Keep Reading
NC Budget – What to think?
The N&O got it right with the headline this morning in the print edition "Perdue lays out her plan for riding out hard times." The emphasis is on "riding ... Keep Reading
More wasteful spending…
I earlier posted about taxes and spending in Raleigh going up. This tidbit about more spending in Raleigh was too good to not post. Private establishments spend THEIR money to ... Keep Reading