As the nation’s sub-par economic recovery continues, tax revenues to state coffers are not rising as rapidly as in past periods of robust economic growth. Some left-leaning groups ... Keep Reading
spending restraint
Time is Right for TABOR in NC
Today's N&O published my article on the recently-introduced Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR) legislation. A sample: The case for legal restraints on state spending in North ... Keep Reading
Time for Some Spending Discipline
House Bill 188 was filed last week. Several House lawmakers yesterday held a press conference to discuss the bill. The bill would establish a restraint on the growth rate of the ... Keep Reading
House Bill Introduces Meaningful Spending Reform
House Bill 188 - Taxpayer Bill of Rights - filed yesterday in the House would create a much-needed measure to reform state spending. The Taxpayer Bill of Rights (or TABOR) would ... Keep Reading