The Raleigh City Council decided to restrict smoking in city parks today. The council hasn't nailed down the specifics of the ban yet, but Mayor Charles Meeker has proposed ... Keep Reading
smoking ban
Smoking Ban Passes First Test on Merits in Court
In its first trial on the merits, North Carolina’s smoking ban has, unfortunately, been upheld. The ban was enacted during the 2009 session of the General Assembly (see ... Keep Reading
Good Intentions Take Away Rights
Great op-ed in the Kinston Free Press today on how the seeming best intentions of the nanny-staters only take away individual rights: We think that most people in North Carolina ... Keep Reading
Thank you for smoking
A new law signed by Gov. Purdue in May 2009 prohibits smoking in public restaurants and bars. North Carolina’s Smoke-Free Restaurants and Bars Law takes effect January 2, 2010 but ... Keep Reading