I've mostly given up on the daily Trump coronavirus press conferences from the White House when it comes to news. Most of the decision making and power regarding restrictions and ... Keep Reading
Is Roy Cooper vulnerable on his gun control agenda?
North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper, at least in the current political climate, is well positioned for reelection in 2020. However, a potential vulnerable policy area that is constantly ... Keep Reading
Is Clarence Thomas’s brand of conservatism best for America?
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was recently discussed on the latest Civitalk podcast. A superb piece of journalism titled "The Clarence Thomas Effect" over at The Atlantic ... Keep Reading
Does civic ignorance exacerbate the growth of government?
The short answer is yes, civic ignorance helps to propel government growth and overreach. Ultimately, it has a considerable impact on our worldview about this nation, which is much ... Keep Reading
Declaration of Independence Still Greatest Guidepost for Liberty
Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence, called the document "an expression of the American mind." The late historian Pauline Maier referred to it as ... Keep Reading
A Victory for NC Gun Owners?
House Bill 650, the largest 2nd Amendment rights bill introduced this session, is now sitting on Gov. Perdue’s desk waiting for her signature or veto. HB 650 is an omnibus bill ... Keep Reading