The North Carolina legislature and the governor took some heat for trying to exempt the state from parts of Obamacare, including the much-hyped exchanges. It turns out our ... Keep Reading
richard burr
WRAL/SUSA Poll Explores Cell Phone Only Polling
WRAL released a new statewide poll last week conducted by SurveyUSA which included in its sample, respondents that are believed to be "Cell Phone Only" (CPO) voters. And the ... Keep Reading
Elaine Marshall 2nd Quarter Report Found
It looks like candidates for federal office submit a campain disclosure report to the State Board of Elections. Here is Burr's for this last Quarter. I found Marshall's report ... Keep Reading
Has Elaine Marshall Quit?
I had to ask a co-worker if Elaine Marshall was the candidate running against Richard Burr for his Senate seat? Burr has $6.3 million in the bank. Then I called the State ... Keep Reading
FoCAL point: wasteful spending
Next Tuesday, Democrats go to the polls to decide whether Secretary of State Elaine Marshall or former state senator Cal Cunningham will challenge incumbent US Senator Richard Burr ... Keep Reading
SD 45: Goss 43, Soucek 41
Senate District 45 starts off its race much like that of Senate District 50 which we released yesterday -- a statistical dead heat. Incumbent Democratic Senator Steve Goss leads ... Keep Reading
Apparently PPP thinks it’s still 2008
Some people were shocked today by a poll released by Democratic polling firm Public Policy Polling that showed Republican incumbent Senator Richard Burr ahead of Democratic ... Keep Reading
Undecideds Rule Democratic Primary
In our poll this month, we asked Democratic and Unaffiliated voters if they had a preference in the Democratic Primary for the US Senate nomination, and by and large they do not ... Keep Reading
Burr’s Huge Misstep on Eastern District US Attorney
Apologies to Greensboro blogger Guarino for borrowing his title in describing Hagan's actions (or rather inaction) on the nomination of a new US Attorney for the Eastern District ... Keep Reading
Burr Leads Marshall by 10
In our latest poll, we have Sen. Richard Burr leading NC Sec. of State Elaine Marshall 43.7% to 33.0%. Burr is leading among Republicans 79-6 and among Unaffiliateds 47-24. ... Keep Reading