The May 2015 NC Capitol Connection highlighted how Big Solar -- the insiders and lobbyists who tout renewable energy mandates -- have pushed legislators to support the mandates. ... Keep Reading
renewable energy
House Approves Amendment Striking a Blow Against Big Solar Cronies
Late last night the NC House approved an amendment to an otherwise little-discussed regulatory reform bill. The amendment would cap the state's renewable energy portfolio standard ... Keep Reading
NC House Committee Votes for Higher Energy Bills, Continued Corporate Welfare
The well-financed special interest lobbyists of Big Solar won again today, at the expense of everybody else. House Bill 681, the NC Energy Ratepayers Protection Act, a bill that ... Keep Reading
Lowering Energy Bills and Increasing Health Care Competition: 2 Good Bills
Most of you are probably familiar with the Civitas Institute's Bad Bill of the Week series. Fortunately, this week also saw the focus turn to two good bills that would help lower ... Keep Reading
Waste Energy a Waste
Friday’s Bad Bill of the Week on HB 1139 featured just another instance of needless and inefficient “green legislation.” What happens when corporations can’t meet the standards ... Keep Reading
The Proposal to Repeal an Energy Bill From 2007 Would, In Effect, Raise Taxes
Republican Representative George Cleveland introduced HB431, which would repeal SB3 from the 2007 legisaltive session. That bill required power companies to buy renewable energy ... Keep Reading
More Money, Please!
Governor Bev Perdue is making a trip to Washington, DC today to petition for more federal funds for North Carolina. Instead of working to find better ways to cut spending, target ... Keep Reading