North Carolina was far better positioned to weather the fiscal fallout from Gov. Cooper’s lockdown orders than most states This is in sharp contrast to how woefully unprepared ... Keep Reading
Cooper must take steps to get North Carolina moving by April 30
There is enormous pressure for Gov. Cooper to loosen North Carolina’s economic lockdown and get people back to work while protecting public health. The scientific data that led to ... Keep Reading
State government’s response to coronavirus: budget & tax recommendations
The good news: North Carolina state government is better financially prepared for the coming economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic than previous economic crises. The most ... Keep Reading
Biden versus Trump, gun restrictions, and a lackluster stock market
The latest poll numbers indicate that President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden are in a statistical tie in North Carolina. If Biden receives the Democratic ... Keep Reading
Liberal recommendations from NC Justice Center would make recession worse
The Left-Wing NC Justice Center’s latest policy brief includes policy recommendations in preparation of the next recession Policies are more of the same big-government programs ... Keep Reading
More Reasons Why a Constitutional Tax Cap is Needed
As legislators decide the fate of a bill that would put up for a vote this fall a change to the state constitution lowering the cap on the income tax rate from 10% to 5.5%, one of ... Keep Reading
The sunny side of the rainy day fund
We’re not shy about criticizing legislators when criticism is due. That said, we also like to point out when lawmakers do the right thing. Earlier this week, The Insider ... Keep Reading
Bill to Strengthen Rainy Day Fund Signed into Law
Yesterday Gov. Cooper signed House Bill 7 into law, albeit with some apparent reservations. Legislative budget-writers will have to set aside money every year for the state’s ... Keep Reading
Civitas Poll Sheds Light on McCrory/Cooper Matchup
Nov. 19, 2015 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Demi Dowdy (919) 834-2099 Latest Civitas Institute Poll Gives Insights on Voters’ Views of Economy, ... Keep Reading
Whether Media or Economists; “Mainstream” Means Left-Wing
McClatchy News ran this article yesterday that attempts to outline the different outlooks on the economy held by Kay Hagan and Thom Tillis. The article was supposed to be an ... Keep Reading