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public records
How to Avoid a Public Records Request (A Government Primer)
Since the 1960s, so-called “sunshine laws” have helped to shine the light of public scrutiny into the dark corridors of government. Under state and federal law, any citizen can ... Keep Reading
Transparency and the Ivory Tower
As the old saying goes, “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.” But some North Carolina professors have decided that they are neither goose nor gander. In a letter ... Keep Reading
Town Puts Price Tag on Openness
Imagine trying to get public records from your town and the official response is that you owe them $26 an hour for the documents. Well, this is not a nightmare; it happened ... Keep Reading
SB 125: Trying to Make State Government More Transparent
A new bill was recently filed in the NC legislature that deserves praise, and Civitas discusses why in this article. A sample: Let’s give three cheers for two North Carolina ... Keep Reading
A bill to block repeal of part of the open records law is up for discussion in the House Tuesday
The Sunshine Act (HB87) proposed a state constitutional amendment to guarantee the public the right of access to public records. The original version applied to the legislative, ... Keep Reading
Courts removed from the so-called Sunshine Act
The bill (HB87) would allow voters to consider a state constitutional amendment declaring most government records would be open to the public. All current exemptions would still be ... Keep Reading