This week, Ray and Brooke discuss the heavy-hearted moment we are in as a state and nation. There are several essential, core functions of government: protecting life, liberty, and ... Keep Reading
private property
Aggressive police action blocking landowners from accessing property headed to federal court
Suit comes after Civitas exposed harsh treatment of non-resident homeowners during virus crisis People who own homes and pay property taxes on the Outer Banks but are permanent ... Keep Reading
Respecting the constitution, protecting private property, and preserving sanity
This week Ray and I discuss ways we have grown in thankfulness during this difficult time, as well as the impact social isolation stands to have on mental health. We also examine ... Keep Reading
A conservative’s 2020 wishlist
Join us for a discussion with Donald Bryson, Civitas' president and CEO, to hear what should be on every North Carolina conservative's 2020 wishlist, from reducing corporate ... Keep Reading
Expanding property rights — a linchpin for liberty in North Carolina
“A people averse to the institution of private property is without the first element of freedom.” —Lord Acton The latest Civitas Poll pried into Republican primary voters and ... Keep Reading
It’s Always Time for a Film on Eminent Domain Abuse
Little Pink House is a new film starring Catherine Keener as Susette Kelo. It chronicles the story of Kelo v. City of New London, a famous eminent domain court case. Most of us ... Keep Reading
What “Krzyzewskiville” Can Teach Us About Economics
‘First come, first served’ allocation of scarce resources incentivizes waiting in line How a society allocates scarce resources determines how people compete for those ... Keep Reading
Flap Over Monuments Reinforces Benefits of Private Property
The recent movement to remove or destroy historical monuments on government-owned property underscores a vital service that private property plays in creating a more peaceful and ... Keep Reading
Why Private Property Is So Beneficial for Society
Socialism vs. Capitalism. State-owned means of production vs. private property rights. Free market exchanges vs. “from each according to his ability, to each according to his ... Keep Reading
Eminent Domain Amendment Proposal Wins House Committee Approval
From WRAL: State and local governments would be prohibited from taking private property for certain economic development purposes under a proposed constitutional amendment ... Keep Reading