Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal created a ruckus this week when he stepped up to the microphones after a meeting of the National Governors Association. The fuss was all the greater ... Keep Reading
Obamacare to Cost UNC System $47 M per Year
Per the Greensboro Observer: Obamacare will cost the University of North Carolina System $47 million per year starting in 2015 for its 8,586 employees that exceed 30 hours per ... Keep Reading
Duke U. Survey: Biz Leaders Cutting Jobs, Hours Due to Obamacare
A survey released by the Duke University Fuqua School of Business in December has recently been receiving some media attention. The survey asked Chief Financial Officers - among ... Keep Reading
New CBO Report: Obamacare’s Job Destruction Worse Than First Predicted
One the most important fundamentals of economics is the lesson that incentives matter. That is, the institutional rewards and punishments for certain behavior will result in people ... Keep Reading
From Boston to Philly: New Visions Taking Shape
Last night, in offering the Tea Party response to the president, Sen. Mike Lee of Utah observed that if the American Revolution started in Boston, it journeyed to Philadelphia. ... Keep Reading
Medicaid Expansion: A Quick Primer
In North Carolina, most news coverage on the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, has focused on the massive technical failures of the federal exchange website. But ... Keep Reading
New Legislative Committee to Study Impact of Obamacare
House Speaker Thom Tillis and Senate Leader Phil Berger yesterday afternoon issued a joint release announcing the formation of a new legislative study committee to ... Keep Reading
Another Obamacare Application Nightmare
The Winston-Salem Journal documents the trials and tribulations of a local woman trying to sign up for health insurance coverage through the government exchange website. Thanks to ... Keep Reading
Obamacare: The Grinch That Stole Healthcare
You know Obamacare has become a nightmare when even the President's hometown paper is slamming the law as a disaster. Some excerpts from the Chicago Tribune's stinging article: ... Keep Reading
JWPCI newspaper November 2013
The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) generates shock and outrage in North Carolina. ... Keep Reading