Health Care Crosstabs March 2014 ... Keep Reading
ACA Crosstabs, March 2014
ACA crosstabs March 2014 ... Keep Reading
Thank Goodness NC (and Other States) Said ‘No’ to Obamacare
The General Assembly and the governor have taken a lot of heat for refusing to set up a state exchange under the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare.) At CLC, one health expert ... Keep Reading
More Obamacare Destruction — and a Possible Successor
Sen. Richard Burr spoke today at a John Locke Foundation luncheon about his and Sen. Tom Coburn's plan to replace the Affordable Care Act. I don't pretend to be able at this ... Keep Reading
CLC Speaker: Legal Trouble for Obamacare
One of our CLC speakers, John Fund, updates us on a legal peril the Affordable Care Act faces: Obamacare was under assault from two directions this week in the courts. The Supreme ... Keep Reading
Coulter on What Obamacare Is Really Like
Some recent propaganda has it that the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) is growing more popular. That's because the Democrats are frantically granting exemptions, waivers and ... Keep Reading
Obamacare Sign Up Deadline Now Using the “Honor System” for Exemptions
The White House has announced another type of delay in the deadline for individuals trying to sign up for health coverage through the government exchange. From the N&O: People ... Keep Reading
N&O Attempts to Smear Healthcare Expert
The N&O just couldn't sit idly by while their beloved Unaffordable Care Act received scrutiny and criticism in a legislative committee meeting Tuesday. The committee's hearings ... Keep Reading
Obama Admits to Another False Promise on Obamacare
In an interview with WebMD, President Obama admitted that yet another of the promises used to sell Obamacare to the American public turns out to be a lie. As reported in ... Keep Reading
Obamacare Could Take Bite Out of State Budget
Late last month we cited how the Unaffordable Care Act was going to impose millions in additional costs on the UNC system, likely prompting the cutback of hours of thousands of ... Keep Reading