Tell our legislators we can't afford more health insurance mandates! Insurance mandates force you to pay for coverage you don't want or need. Health insurance mandates force ... Keep Reading
Kibbe: How Power Is Shifting to Voters
The Internet and the growth of grassroots groups is shifting power from backrooms in Washington to the American people, FreedomWorks President and CEO Matt Kibbe said Saturday ... Keep Reading
New Research: Medicaid Expansion Would Cost NC Nearly 94,000 Jobs
One of the reasons used by advocates of Medicaid expansion in NC is that expansion will be an economic boost, creating tens of thousands of jobs. That claim, however, was based on ... Keep Reading
McCrory Still Considering Medicaid Expansion
Gov. McCrory remains open to NC expanding Medicaid, and continues to explore options for how to get it done, in spite of continued opposition from the legislature, and resounding ... Keep Reading
Medicaid Coverage Does Not Equal Access to Care
Last week I posted an article discussing the shortage of doctors treating Medicaid patients in NC and how that would undermine claims that expanding Medicaid would create ... Keep Reading
McCrory Should Listen to Voters on Medicaid Expansion
A new article now up at (after first being published by the Charlotte Observer) offers words of caution for Gov. Pat McCrory and his continued flirtation with ... Keep Reading
Disgraced Obamacare Architect Was Hired to Consult on NC Medicaid Reform
From WRAL: State Auditor Beth Wood has terminated a contract with MIT economics professor Jonathan Gruber after the health care policy expert came under fire for controversial ... Keep Reading
Big Surprise: Crony Obamacare Pads Profits of Insurance Companies
In the wake of the Jonathan Gruber videos that showed the MIT economist and major architect of Obamacare admitting that supporters deceived the public (and insulted voters as ... Keep Reading
“Affordable” Care Act: NC Insurance Premiums to Rise by 13% Next Year
In a conference call earlier today Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC discussed projected insurance premiums for 2015. North Carolina's largest health insurer says rates will rise by ... Keep Reading
Five More ACA Horror Stories
You'll be hearing a lot about how the Affordable Care Act helps patients, but the exact opposite is true: the Affordable Care act hurts patients, especially because it pushes them ... Keep Reading