Economist William Anderson refutes the oft-repeated fallacy that Obamacare will somehow "cut costs" in the delivery of medical care in this Freeman article. According to the ... Keep Reading
President’s New Health Care Plan Creates Poor Starting Point for Bipartisanship
The Health Care Summit kicks off tomorrow and President Obama already unveiled his new health care proposal earlier this week. The Summit is meant to be bipartisan meeting between ... Keep Reading
Should Republicans Attend President Obama’s Health Care Summit?
Over on the weekly online poll is yielding interesting results. This weeks question is "Should Republicans Attend President Obama's Health Care Summit?" The ... Keep Reading
No Time to Breathe Easy on Healthcare Reform
Sheldon Richman makes the case that health care reform is far from dead, in spite of last week's election results in Massachusetts. Why? Because the ideologues on Capital Hill ... Keep Reading
Health care’s new lesson
What did the drama surrounding new mammogram policies teach us about Obamacare? That, "the political left supports such medical rationing even as it disavows that any such thing is ... Keep Reading
Civitas Poll: Voters Deeply Divided on Health Care
Results of our new poll released today show NC voters are deeply divided on the President's health care plan. With few voters in the middle or ambivalent on the issue, Obama's ... Keep Reading
Does WakeMed hospital endorse ObamaCare?
Is WakeMed supporting ObamaCare? On September 3rd they are allowing Organizing for America to use the WakeMed North Healthplex for a rally in support of "Health Insurance Reform," ... Keep Reading
Les leçons de France
Many people have cited the “roaring” success of government-run healthcare programs in Europe as sufficient reason for America to adopt a similar program. Perhaps, we should ... Keep Reading
NObamacare Bus Tour
Our good friends at Americans for Prosperity NC are on the road raising awareness about THE ONE's plan to socialize healthcare in America. Civitas staff are on the bus to let the ... Keep Reading