School choice is hugely popular in North Carolina. Even more popular than I would have predicted before the Civitas Poll was released last month. Only around 6 percent of North ... Keep Reading
north carolina
Trump Vows No Socialism but Almost a Quarter of North Carolinians Disagree
The latest Civitas Poll notes that almost a quarter (23 percent) of North Carolinians want the country to become "more socialist." That seems like a high number. It reminds me of a ... Keep Reading
Growth of Heritage Leadership Academy Highlights Need for More School Choice
Heritage Leadership Academy has only been open for about 18 months but the school is already making a monumental impact in the lives of students. Heritage now has two campuses in ... Keep Reading
Is a Push for Aggressive Gun Control on the Horizon for North Carolina?
The short answer is that more gun restrictions are not likely in the very near future. However, we all know that might change if the General Assembly shifts to Democrat control in ... Keep Reading
Walter Jones and Politics as a Principled Endeavor
This morning I spoke briefly with Joe Catenacci about the legacy of North Carolina Congressman Walter Jones (1943- 2019). When I first moved to this state somebody asked me who I ... Keep Reading
Your Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren are Paying for Medicaid Expansion
At a presidential campaign stop in Indiana in 1968, Robert Kennedy was asked by a medical student who was going to pay for his healthcare proposal for poor people? Kennedy famously ... Keep Reading
The Wright Brothers and why Government Shouldn’t Pick Winners and Losers
Lt. Gov Dan Forest and others sent out a reminder that December 17 is the 115th anniversary of the Wright Flyer's historic flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. The occasion has ... Keep Reading
Corporate Welfare Another Reminder We Need to Relearn Purpose of Government
JDIG, or the Job Development Investment Grant, is corporate welfare, unfair, cronyism, all those things, obviously. But I think the fight some are having that we have to be ... Keep Reading
North Carolina is More of a Swing State than Florida and Ohio for 2020
The latest Civitas Poll reinforces what pretty much everybody already knows, North Carolina will be a key battleground state in 2020. Below you can listen to an interview I did ... Keep Reading
More on the Growing Urban Rural Divide
Undoubtedly, we will continue to hear a lot about the growing urban-rural divide in North Carolina and across the nation. We've seen it continually in our electoral presidential ... Keep Reading