Lost by some during the Black Lives Matter protests and civil disorder is the continued crime surge in Charlotte and other urban areas across the nation. To their credit, the ... Keep Reading
Roy Cooper’s Continuing Damage to the NC Criminal Justice System
While many followers of state government are occupied by Gov. Bev Perdue's veto of the SB 9, No Discriminatory Purpose in Death Penalty and the sentencing of her top campaign ... Keep Reading
Raleigh Occupier Shoots up Wendell Food Lion
Occupy Raleigh participant, Tariq James Taylor, 21, was found dead after shooting three people at a Wendell Food Lion. But before he committed that crime he had already been ... Keep Reading
How Many Murderers Will Obama’s Amnesty for Illegals Let Stay?
In an earlier post Neal talked about the latest attempt by the Obama administration to grant illegals amnesty. What he did not discuss was the very real and deadly consequences ... Keep Reading
Why a Life Sentence does not Mean Life in Prison
People opposed to the death penalty always like to say that sentencing someone to life in prison is worse than the death penalty therefore it is a more appropriate sentence for ... Keep Reading