Our nation was founded as a great experiment. In its infancy, its founders knew that there were many forms it could have taken. They chose to fashion it into a republic, and with ... Keep Reading
life/family issues
New Coalition Formed to Support the Defense of Marriage Amendment
A group of civic and religious leaders has organized a coalition they call "Vote FOR Marriage NC." It plans to campaign to convince voters to approve a state constitutional ... Keep Reading
House Overrides Women’s Right to Know Act
The North Carolina House just overrode Gov. Perdue’s veto of the Women’s Right to Know Act (HB 854) with a vote of 72 – 47, the exact amount needed to meet the three-fifths ... Keep Reading
“Choose Life” on I-40 West
HB 168/SB 210-“Choose Life” Special Plate is the only pro-life legislation to make it to the 2010 legislative session. Introduced first in 2000, the bill allows North Carolina ... Keep Reading