NC Capitol Connection provides an overview of yesterday's contentious special session called to repeal HB 2. Most of the day was spent in caucus discussing the measure to repeal ... Keep Reading
LGBTQ advocates to CMS: nix gender references
A presentation made to CMS principals and counselors earlier this summer by local LGBTQ advocates recommends that CMS school staff not refer to boys and girls but as scholars and ... Keep Reading
Charlotte “Bathroom Ordinance” Is Unconstitutional and Void
On Wednesday, the General Assembly will convene in Raleigh for a special session to discuss a controversial Charlotte ordinance that requires places of public accommodation to ... Keep Reading
MTL: How Students Are Indoctrinated by the Progressive Machine
The newest Mapping the Left network is the Student/Youth Training Network. While this new network is not an “education” network in the sense of public schools and higher education, ... Keep Reading
Charlotte Observer Ignored Sex Offender Status of Activist
For months, residents of Charlotte have been debating whether the city should (or in fact could) pass an ordinance allowing individuals who identify as transgender to use the men's ... Keep Reading
CLF Counsel Speaks with ABC11 about Charlotte Ordinance
Last Monday, the City of Charlotte passed a controversial ordinance that purports to provide special protections to transgender individuals in their choice of bathroom ... Keep Reading
Transgenderism Has No Basis in Science or Law
In a domain in which the proposed “therapies” are so drastic, it is not too much to ask for a solid, evidence-based statement of who is being treated, for what, and why, before ... Keep Reading