If you were to poll North Carolinians on an open-ended question about what they think the biggest threat to liberty is in the state, there would certainly be lots of different and ... Keep Reading
Judicial Activism
Wall Street Journal Calls NC Gerrymander Decision a Political ‘Coup’
The editorial board of the Wall Street Journal aggressively called out the North Carolina gerrymandering decision authored by Fourth Circuit appellate Judge James Wynn. It's worth ... Keep Reading
Christopher Scalia Talks Originalism and Civic Virtue at CLC
Promoting his new book "Scalia Speaks: Reflections on Law, Faith, and Life Well Lived," Christopher Scalia gave an extremely popular address at the Conservative Leadership ... Keep Reading
What is North Carolina’s Biggest Political Problem?
If you asked a bunch of random North Carolinians what the biggest problem in the state is you would certainly get lots of different and unrelated answers. But I think most ... Keep Reading
Voter Registration Extended – Because 356 days is not enough?
The recent court order to extend voter registration in counties impacted by Hurricane Matthew is only logical if you assume that without it the people impacted did not have ... Keep Reading
Manning and More At Four Ruling – Was it Wrong Before?
According to WRAL-TV Judge Manning has ruled and "The judge says lawmakers cannot limit the number of at-risk four-year-olds participating in the program that was known for years ... Keep Reading