This Reuters story being run in outlets across the country features North Carolina's efforts at tax reform. CHAPEL HILL, North Carolina (Reuters) - Hopes for overhauling the ... Keep Reading
Jindal Proposes Eliminating State Income Taxes in LA
Are you paying attention, Gov. McCrory and 2013 NC Legislature? From Reuters News: Republican Governor Bobby Jindal said on Thursday he wants to eliminate all Louisiana ... Keep Reading
Asheville TV Station Spotlights Civitas’ Tax Reform Study
Asheville's ABC affiliate, WLOS, ran this feature on last night's newscast spotlighting Civitas's study on eliminating North Carolina's state income tax. Be sure to learn more ... Keep Reading
Proposed Changes to NC Unemployment Heads to Legislature
Earlier today the Revenue Laws Study Committee approved its proposed plan to reform North Carolina's unemployment insurance system in order to more promptly re-pay the $2.4 billion ... Keep Reading
Central Planners Double-Down on Corporate Welfare in W-S
Undaunted by the failed Dell corporate welfare giveaway in Winston-Salem, local and state politicians once again use taxpayer dollars to centrally-plan the economy, by bribing ... Keep Reading
Major Study Touts Benefits to NC from Income Tax Elimination
New at the Civitas Institute is a comprehensive study evaluating the benefits to North Carolina's economy from eliminating the state's income taxes - both personal and ... Keep Reading
Higher Employer Tax and Fewer Benefits In NC Unemployment Reform Package
A legislative panel unveiled its ideas to reform unemployment taxes and benfits. It also had a proposal for paying back a federal loan more quickly. Matt Willoughby has a video ... Keep Reading
Committee Proposes Major Changes to Unemployment Insurance Program
Today's Revenue Laws Committee meeting included a rollout of proposed changes to North Carolina's unemployment insurance program. Recall that NC is facing a $2.5 billion debt to ... Keep Reading
NC “Fix the Debt” Group Says More Revenue Will Have to be Part of Debt Reduction
The North Carolina chapter of a national "Fix the Debt" coalition was launched in Raleigh. The new group wants immediate action in Congress to avoid the "fiscal cliff" approaching ... Keep Reading
The Hostess Break Up Begins
Hostess received a green light from a Judge in New York last week to begin winding down production of all of it's brands. Not all of Hostess employees will lose their jobs right ... Keep Reading