Per Thompson Reuters News: NEW YORK, Dec 6 (Reuters) - Bernstein Litowitz Berger & Grossmann and Labaton Sucharow will be the lead law firms in securities lawsuits arising out ... Keep Reading
janet cowell
State Treasurer Cowell: “Obviously, that means more burden on taxpayers”
A couple of months ago, I blogged here about how North Carolina's pension fund is likely in much worse shape than even the current $2.8 billion unfunded liability represents. The ... Keep Reading
State Treasurer Cowell: Why So Much Support From Out of State Law Firms?
The Fayetteville Observer today publishes an article of mine focusing in on the high amount of out-of-state donors of State Treasurer Janet Cowell, and a practice that certainly ... Keep Reading
Powerful State Employee Group Refuses to Endorse Cowell
On the heels of NC State Treasurer Janet Cowell receiving criticism regarding possible conflicts of interest involved in the state pension fund's investment in Facebook's IPO (and ... Keep Reading
State Pension Fund Returns Nearly $4 Billion Below Projections
An already bad week for State Treasurer Janet Cowell just got a little worse. On the heels of the Facebook fiasco, which raised several questions of dubious ethics, we now hear ... Keep Reading
Cowell Facebook Fiasco: More Questions That Demand Answers
As the old saying goes, when looking at politics always follow the money. Having just scratched the surface looking into the Janet Cowell Facebook fiasco, that's just what I ... Keep Reading
Better Late Than Never: N&O Reports on Cowell’s Facebook Debacle
Six days ago, I blogged on a story regarding State Treasurer Janet Cowell's decision to invest millions of state pension fund dollars in the Facebook IPO. Erskine Bowles, who sits ... Keep Reading
State Treasurer Invests Pension Funds with a Supporter’s Company, Loses Big Then Sues
A very interesting North Carolina tie-in to the Facebook IPO class-action lawsuit is emerging; courtesy of Thomson Reuters News. North Carolina Retirement Systems - which ... Keep Reading