Rob Schofield has a piece on how to destroy jobs in the economy and how to keep poor people dependent by incentivizing them to remain poor. For a better alternative in poverty ... Keep Reading
Income and Wealth
Robin Hood Narratives, Zero-sum Thinking
Here's more of what we've come to expect from the wealth-is-one-big-pie crowd: "In an era of falling wages for folks in the middle and at the bottom, a disappearing middle ... Keep Reading
Minimum Wage Blues
Congress, in exchange for caving on war funding, must have struck a deal to get in their economically unsound minimum wage legislation that is sure to hit to small businesses ... Keep Reading
Unemployment up
The NC Employment Security Commission reported today that the unemployment rate for April jumped from 4.5% to 4.8%. Sure would be a good time for some good ole' economic stimulus. ... Keep Reading
The Politics of Envy (and Guilt and Indignation)
George Leef rightly points out the place of envy in the mind of the left. He might add guilt and indignation...what I have called elsewhere the Stone-Age Trinity: The late ... Keep Reading
Speaking of Poverty
Food for thought for our 'progressive' friends, from Arnold Kling. The moral? Unrestricted capitalism is by far the best poverty alleviation tool. This suggests to me that the term ... Keep Reading
N.C. Budget Roundup
For a roundup of Civitas policy briefs on the N.C. state budget, visit here. ... Keep Reading
Inequality, Education and Entrepreneurship
A good piece by my former Editor-in-Chief Nick Schulz on the relationship between education, entrepreneurship and greater income inequality. If inequality is a problem, what do we ... Keep Reading
Living Wage: What is that?
I never ceased to be amazed by what progressives think is good policy (from the Progressive Pulse):Maryland approved the first-in-the-nation living wage bill. HB430, sponsored by ... Keep Reading