Here’s a sure-fire idea for the legislature: Let’s spend $138 million of North Carolinians’ money on a project that: You probably will never need or use; Is based on ... Keep Reading
Highlights of House and Senate Education Budgets
Both the House and Senate have passed their proposed budgets. How do the two chambers differ on education spending? Here is general outline on spending ... Keep Reading
Civitas’ Vote Tracker Will Show You Who Is Casting Ballots
Oct. 2, 2014 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Susan Myrick (919) 834-2099 RALEIGH – NC Vote Tracker is back, and you can use it now to get an early ... Keep Reading
Gun Rights Dispute Within GOP Ranks
Yesterday, HB 650, a bill containing several provisions intended to increase the legal rights of firearm owners, met harsh criticism on the House floor in regards to Section 13 ... Keep Reading