Gratitude is everything. Gratitude brings joy. When we are thankful we are much more apt to look up to the heavens or look beyond ourselves. Yet, in our politicized world today we ... Keep Reading
The “Monday Numbers” NC Policy Watch Don’t Want You To See
Rob Schofield at NC Policy Watch decided to commemorate Medicaid’s 55th anniversary with “some basic facts” about the program in his “Monday Numbers” column this week. Many of ... Keep Reading
Healthcare solutions for North Carolina
The vision for A Better Carolina would not be complete without addressing the on-going problems of healthcare in our state. Previous articles demonstrate how government contributes ... Keep Reading
Pandemic exposes harms of burdensome CON laws
In March 2020, health experts warned the American public about the need to “flatten the curve” of coronavirus cases to avoid overwhelming the country’s healthcare systems. But what ... Keep Reading
Expanding Medicaid puts those most at-need at risk
As of December 2018, over 2 million North Carolinians were enrolled in the state’s Medicaid program. That’s approximately 1 out of every 5 people in the state. Some want the ... Keep Reading
2020 Legislative short session: Coronavirus and not much else, Part II
In Part I of our legislative re-cap, we highlighted the major developments in the areas of budget and taxes and agriculture. Today we review the areas of education, voting and ... Keep Reading
How government makes healthcare more expensive; and what we can do to reverse it
Any Economics 101 course will tell you that the price of a good or service is determined by supply and demand. We’ve seen everyday examples of this in the recent COVID-19 pandemic: ... Keep Reading
More Lockdown Fallout: Medicaid
The victims of the statewide and nationwide lockdowns in response to COVID-19 are legion: deaths of despair (i.e. suicide, substance abuse), avoidable deaths due to a lack of ... Keep Reading
New Study: Medicaid Expansion does not create jobs or boost hospital finances
A February study released by the Foundation for Government Accountability (FGA) lays waste to the claims by Medicaid expansion advocates that expansion would translate into an ... Keep Reading
What the N&O continues to ignore about Medicaid expansion
The News & Observer earlier this week took the opportunity of Kansas' decision to expand Medicaid to once again browbeat anybody opposing expansion in North Carolina. The ... Keep Reading