With the death of the debate over the public option Senate leadership has turned its sights to a hefty expansion of government programs already in existence - namely, Medicare and ... Keep Reading
health care reform
Short-changed on Medicaid Spending Projections
WRAL reports Medicaid spending in North Carolina is $150 million over budget in the first quarter of this fiscal year. The reason for this, the Governor claims, is that over ... Keep Reading
The Real Impact of Health Insurance Benefit Requirements
Both the House and Senate bills propose that all private health insurance plans (individual, employer, employer group, or union provided) must adhere to detailed federal ... Keep Reading
2074 pages in 2 sentences
Reid's health bill is 2,074 pages and 371,949 words in length, and uses the word "tax" 183 times. According to CBO it spends $848B, raises taxes $486B, cuts Medicare/Medicaid ... Keep Reading
Hagan gives no clear answer on health care reform
In an N&O article, Sen. Kay Hagan says, "I think people have to get their heads around this, that we can't continue where we are right now …We're in a window of opportunity ... Keep Reading
Mandated Medicaid Expansion – Sustainable?
The Finance Committee health care reform bill would extend Medicaid eligibility to 133% of the Federal Poverty Level (the HELP Committee bill would extend it to 150% FPL). What ... Keep Reading