On November 15th, Governor Perdue announced that North Carolina would pursue a hybrid State-Federal exchange in order to implement Obamacare. While that decision may still be ... Keep Reading
health care reform
Your Tax Money Used to Alter Obamacare Search Results
The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has paid Google to alter the search results of “Obamacare” and other related searches. For each of these terms, the Obama ... Keep Reading
You Can’t Make This Stuff Up! An Island Capsizing?
At about 1:25 into this video you will see Rep Hank Johnson(D- GA) talk about the island of Guam capsizing as a result of the US stationing another 8,000 Marines and their families ... Keep Reading
Patient, Doctor, and Government – Who Decides?
What is comparative effectiveness research and how will it affect the future of America’s health care? Did you know… Government funding for comparative effectiveness ... Keep Reading
Etheridge gets more than $31 million for his vote
It looks like Bob Etheridge may not only have gotten $31 million for Shaw University in return for his vote for the health care bill - but also a big fat campaign gift from the ... Keep Reading
Did Rep. Etheridge get $31 Million For His Health Care Vote?
This article in the Raleigh News & Observer may help explain why Congressman Bob Etheridge took so long to announce his decision to support the health care bill in the house. ... Keep Reading
More Change Indeed
Will the health care bill affect more than our medical bills and insurance coverage? Thomas Sowell over at NRO says yes and explains. Here are a few highlights of the "Point of No ... Keep Reading
Backroom Dealing on Health Care Far From Over
We’ve all heard plenty about some of the backroom deals being discussed in Congress to secure votes for health care legislation - the Cornhusker Kickback for Nebraska, the ... Keep Reading
No Time to Breathe Easy on Healthcare Reform
Sheldon Richman makes the case that health care reform is far from dead, in spite of last week's election results in Massachusetts. Why? Because the ideologues on Capital Hill ... Keep Reading
Medicaid Expansion – Still Not the Answer
This morning the NC Joint Legislative Healthcare Oversight Committee met to discuss the progress of health care initiatives in the state as well as future funding for new and ... Keep Reading