From The American Spectator: The federal government is not the boss of bathrooms. By now, most Americans have heard about North Carolina House Bill 2. The new law has dominated ... Keep Reading
US Department of Justice Threatens McCrory Administration Over HB2
Yesterday, the United States Department of Justice (USDOJ) mailed a letter to Governor Pat McCrory informing him that, in the opinion of USDOJ, House Bill 2 violates federal law. ... Keep Reading
HB2: At Least We Can Agree on This
When it comes to the HB2 controversy, we can all agree on at least one thing: that individuals must have the right to run their businesses based on their sincerely held beliefs, ... Keep Reading
We Reject Federal Blackmail
The U.S. Department of Justice sent a letter on May 4th 2016 to North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory informing him that North Carolina House Bill 2 is “in violation of Title VII of ... Keep Reading
HB2: Nothing to Fear But an Overdose of Hypocrisy
The controversy over the new state privacy law is way overblown, Civitas President Francis De Luca said in an opinion column for a local television station. "On April 1, 2016 ... Keep Reading