Republican House Speaker Thom Tillis says it is a possibility Governor Beverly Perdue will veto SB13 which targets nearly $800 million in savings for the current budget. If the ... Keep Reading
Growth & Development
Senate committee taking up annexation moratorium
State Senators had their first look at a bill that would impose a one year moratorium on involuntary annexations. The Senate State and Local Government committee began discussion ... Keep Reading
State Senate tentatively approves $800 million in savings and cuts for current budget
While the Governor asked permission to cut $400 million from the current budget SB13 goes much further by finding another $400 million in savings. That includes transferring money ... Keep Reading
Civitas Legislative Report
Citizens rally at the General Assembly to protest forced annexation ... Keep Reading
The Nine Million Dollar Stimulus Tracker
The nice folks here at Red Clay want you to know that we are looking out for you. The fact that $787 billion of your money is being spent by 537 people who have probably ... Keep Reading
Annexation and Taxation without Representation
The proposed committee substitute for House Bill 524 (a combination of house bills 524, 645, and 727) is a really bad plan. If this bill becomes law, cities and towns would be ... Keep Reading
More Annexation Antics
Without question forced annexation remains one of the biggest abuses of municipal government in North Carolina. My friend Curtis Wright, who helped to plan and ... Keep Reading
Free Market does GREEN better than government
In an Op-Ed in today's Raleigh News and Observer Jon Preyer points out how private industry is better equipped and incentivized to handle environmental ... Keep Reading
NC Government Stopping Job Growth
According to the Charlotte Business Journal, the NC Division of Health Services Regulation (why this agency even exists is a completely different topic) denied Gaston Regional ... Keep Reading
States and Corporate Incentives: The Flailing Continues
Stephanie Simon of the Wall Street Journal writes an insightful article about the innane race among states to woo companies with tax breaks and speical incentives ... Keep Reading