Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence, called the document "an expression of the American mind." The late historian Pauline Maier referred to it as ... Keep Reading
National Day of Prayer Should Reinforce Limits to Government
Some lawmakers across North Carolina are reminding us today is the National Day of Prayer. The National Day of Prayer Task Force lists 112 events across the state. U.S. Rep. Walter ... Keep Reading
Beyond the Politics of Chappaquiddick
Over at the Acton Institute, I penned a review of the new film "Chappaquiddick." My main point was to go deeper than the political partisanship that largely still drives the tragic ... Keep Reading
Harmony or Conflict? You Decide
Regardless of how you feel about last night's election results, Jeffrey Tucker of the Foundation for Economic Education reminds us of the big picture when it comes to politics. ... Keep Reading
How to Avoid a Public Records Request (A Government Primer)
Since the 1960s, so-called “sunshine laws” have helped to shine the light of public scrutiny into the dark corridors of government. Under state and federal law, any citizen can ... Keep Reading
What is it Like to be “Governed”?
“To be GOVERNED is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, ... Keep Reading
Give States Their Power Back
September 17 was Constitution Day, a celebration of our nation’s most important political document. For 226 years, our Constitution has weathered wars, disasters, civil strife, and ... Keep Reading
Civitas Poll: Government is to Blame for Financial Crisis
Raleigh, N.C. – Grappling with 9.9 percent statewide unemployment, 63 percent of North Carolina voters blame government for the current financial crisis, according to a poll ... Keep Reading
Government Can’t Be Run Like a Business
Many pundits and politicians claim that government could be more efficient if it were "run like a business," and many a candidate tout their private business experience as ... Keep Reading
Obama to College Grads: Government is Good, Freedom Bad
In an address to graduating college students over the weekend, President Obama remarked that he is "troubled" by the fact that anyone dare question government's pure, angelic ... Keep Reading