Next week (August 2 - August 8), a few members of Civitas will be traveling around the state on a "Hands Off My Healthcare" tour, hosted by the NC chapter of Americans For ... Keep Reading
Government Intrusion
One Czar down…
As the Auto Czar steps down, I think we should look to see what the term “Czar” refers to. The title “Czar” is derived from the Roman name “Caesar” and was used mainly in Russia by ... Keep Reading
The Nine Million Dollar Stimulus Tracker
The nice folks here at Red Clay want you to know that we are looking out for you. The fact that $787 billion of your money is being spent by 537 people who have probably ... Keep Reading
NC Legislature cuts taxes!
Recognizing that cutting taxes encourages investment and creates jobs the North Carolina legislature lowered taxes... I can't go on and not laugh. The above is a headline you ... Keep Reading
Healthcare Press Conference…
Maybe this should have been the topic of Mr. Obama's press conference: "The last issue I'd like to address is health care the government costs. Right now, Congress ... Keep Reading
Gambling OK – As Long as it is State-Sponsored (Part 2)
Video poker is bad. It's harmful to society because people fall prone to its addictive nature many argue.So any attempts to allow video poker in North Carolina should be ... Keep Reading
More Proof ATV Bill is a “Bad Bill”
In May, Chris Hayes wrote a Bad Bill of the Week on "The Government Wants to Know About Your ATV." Senator Eddie Goodall (R-Union) has written an excellent editorial ... Keep Reading
“Model” Legislation or saying no to Little Miss Sunshine
A tough week to pick our "Bad Bill of the Week" as there is so much competition. But Christine DiPietro found a real "winner" with Study ... Keep Reading
Tea Party Protests Taking Off!
Elected officials beware! Last night a "Tea Party" in Wilmington drew up to 1,000 people to protest against against ever expanding government. You can watch ... Keep Reading
Fancy Green Bulbs Fail, Surprise!
Have you bought into the all of the hype about compact fluorescent light bulbs? If you have then you may want to take a look at what the New York Times has to say about ... Keep Reading