Congress, in exchange for caving on war funding, must have struck a deal to get in their economically unsound minimum wage legislation that is sure to hit to small businesses ... Keep Reading
Government Intrusion
Conscious Capitalism, Peace and Education Reform
Here's a great Podcast by a radio station in Texas of FLOW's Michael Strong. Michael gets it in so many ways. I would strongly encourage leftish types to listen to this. ... Keep Reading
N.C. Budget Roundup
For a roundup of Civitas policy briefs on the N.C. state budget, visit here. ... Keep Reading
Mental Health Parity is Insane
The same people (legitimately) whining about insurance premiums are whining for the passage of mental health parity -- an insurance mandate that could drive up prices by as much as ... Keep Reading
The Democrats’ Obsession with Bathrooms
There seems to be a trend growing with Democrats and their affinity with public restrooms. Everyone recalls the well publicized story of Former House Speaker Jim Black receiving ... Keep Reading