It’s not difficult to find bad policy examples from government-enacted lockdowns due to coronavirus, yet virtually none are worse than the idea of the federal government bailing ... Keep Reading
government debt
More Transparency to be Provided on Raleigh Parks Bond Ballot
City of Raleigh voters tomorrow will decide on a $91.8 million bond dedicated to park improvements. If passed, the new debt will necessitate a 1.72 cent increase in the property ... Keep Reading
Small Minority of Wake Voters Impose Tax Hike on County
Yesterday a small minority of Wake County voters approved a tax increase on all property owners, by approving additional county debt that will total more than $1 billion of ... Keep Reading
Legislature Approves “Truth in Lending” Language For Gov’t Bonds
When a person takes out a mortgage to buy a home, there is significant "truth-in-lending" laws requiring the loan contract disclose -among other things - the interest payments that ... Keep Reading
New House Bill Would Introduce Greater Transparency Over Government Debt
Going back several years, Civitas has urged more transparency when it comes to local and state debt referendums. Specifically, we have advocated applying "truth in lending" type ... Keep Reading
Raleigh Taxpayers Demand a Vote on Government Debt
Raleigh taxpayers have been denied a vote on two-thirds of the $1.2 billion in new debt run up by city leaders over the last decade. Per this N&O article, some taxpayers are ... Keep Reading
Would You Take Financial Advice From This Man?
This N&O article by a Duke professor and former consultant to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) lays out what most of us already know about a potential federal government ... Keep Reading
“Truth in Lending” Act for Taxpayers
To "protect" consumers, the Federal government passed the "Truth in Lending" act in 1968. A major part of this act was for lenders to disclose to borrowers a complete payment ... Keep Reading
UNC History Professor Needs an Economics Lesson
A UNC-Chapel Hill history professor decided to weigh in on the economy in yesterday's N&O. In so doing, he proves that he should stick to history because he displays an ... Keep Reading
Let Voters Decide on Raleigh Debt
Robert Orr, former state Supreme Court justice, and executive director of the N.C. Institute for Constitutional Law, recently penned this article for the Raleigh N&O regarding ... Keep Reading