I've mostly given up on the daily Trump coronavirus press conferences from the White House when it comes to news. Most of the decision making and power regarding restrictions and ... Keep Reading
North Carolina can move forward on Covid-19 by trusting its citizens more
It's fascinating to read and listen to all the different analyses for reopening large parts of states and the economy during the Covid-19 crisis. While I'm no expert on the ... Keep Reading
Why do charities and the American people tower over the government in a crisis?
In the "from the editor" section of April's newspaper, I wrote a little bit about the voluntary nature of charity compared to authoritarian tendencies from some leaders. There is a ... Keep Reading
Does civic ignorance exacerbate the growth of government?
The short answer is yes, civic ignorance helps to propel government growth and overreach. Ultimately, it has a considerable impact on our worldview about this nation, which is much ... Keep Reading
Attacking the Constitution for the Sake of Political Power
A lot of attention is being given to the pathetic political discourse currently plaguing this country. Comparisons are being made, and rightly so, to our Civil War era. But ... Keep Reading
When Government Grows, Community Dies
The United States has been witnessing a steady decline in community involvement over the past four decades. The federal government has tried to respond to these needs, and in ... Keep Reading
Give States Their Power Back
September 17 was Constitution Day, a celebration of our nation’s most important political document. For 226 years, our Constitution has weathered wars, disasters, civil strife, and ... Keep Reading
Taxpayer Funded Campaigns Resurface
Senate Democrats apparently did not learn their lesson last week when a series of robo-calls to competitive districts killed a proposal that would have imposed new fees on ... Keep Reading