Or 'what it would take to convince a skeptic we need action' (in no particular order): 1) Something beyond mere speculation that there will be catastrophic harm from climate ... Keep Reading
Environment & Energy
Why Calls for the Public Landgrab?
If these people want to conserve land, why don't they form a land trust and buy it themselves? ... Keep Reading
Stormwatered Down
For planning/smart growth wonks: an interesting piece on storm water. (There is a provision in the Senate Budget for 20 percent pervious surface. This article suggests it might not ... Keep Reading
So Much for “Experts”
The News & Observer has a Q&A with a climate expert -- though I'm not sure why this UNC professor qualifies as such given that his degrees are in physics and nuclear ... Keep Reading
Warming up, Under the Dome
Beckwith, over at Under the Dome, jumps to defend the N&O's unsubstantiated assertion that "Coal-fired power plants are the primary contributors to global ... Keep Reading
Should We Be Suspicious, Senator Basnight?
Whenever you see a curious environmental regulation plugged randomly into a state budget, you have to ask: who benefits? Consider this latest curiosity ... a special provision of ... Keep Reading
Intellectual Honesty on the Left
Alexander Cockburn, a lefty, lashes out against climate change hysteria for a second time:The greenhousers endlessly propose that the consensus of "scientists" on ... Keep Reading
Global Warming Test
Here's a good test for people interested in the issue of climate change. ... Keep Reading
Tar Heel Climate Hysteria…
...and the organizations that feed it. ... Keep Reading
Environmentalism v. Poor (Another)
There's a new movie (see trailer, lower left) coming out which will expose how powerful environmental groups are seeking to retard the development of the world's poorest ... Keep Reading