This report on new science is worth a read, if only for the giggle-factor. I don't even think this is a parody: "HUMANS are just one of the millions of species on Earth, but ... Keep Reading
Environment & Energy
Ozone Schmozone
Every time you hear about Charlotte or some other N.C. city "violating" the ozone standard, remember that the EPA - in order to justify its existence - will keep moving ... Keep Reading
President Klaus – Take Two
Czech President Vaclav Klaus offers more on the subject of global warming. If ever there was a champion of freedom, markets and sound science working in politics, Klaus is one. He ... Keep Reading
Exhale Faster! stave off a new (old) threat: global cooling. ... Keep Reading
Cosmic Ray Tax?
Uh oh. A new(ish) theory of global warming is making the rounds in a new book by Henrik Svenmark. Could he be a new Galileo in the Climate Vatican? Apparently cosmic rays may be a ... Keep Reading
Voice of Reason in a Sea of Watermelons
Another skeptical climatologist calls anthropogenic climate change "hooey". ... Keep Reading
Elon: Lower Education
All you incoming Elon freshmen, don't forget to read Al Goebb- uh Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth. Also, if you're a student with critical thinking skills looking to transfer to a ... Keep Reading
Highest and Best Use
Jack Betts outlines the political (i.e., non-market) measures to "save urban spaces." Under the ambiguous rubric of the "common good", vocal interest groups ... Keep Reading
Booyah : Come be Our President, Vaclav
Vaclav Klaus delivers another killer op-ed on climate change in the pink pages. Where are leaders like this in America? ... Keep Reading
Shocking: Bootleggers & Baptists on NPR
OK, so NPR almost explained Bruce Yandle's Bootleggers & Baptist theory of political economy on NPR (near the end of the piece). Almost is good for hand grenades, right? If ... Keep Reading