What is the cost of being "green"?Apparently to the city of Charlotte, it's a product that is 4 times more expensive and lasts only 1/4th the time of the usual ... Keep Reading
Environment & Energy
Wind Farms on the Not-So-Scenic Horizon?
Despite the murky at best economics and current feasibility issues, legislators are continuing to push for wind farms in North Carolina. According to Senator Albertson ... Keep Reading
The Unintended Effects of the Plastic Bag Ban
... Keep Reading
Pork for Super Pier Ad
Here is the first glimpse of something I think you will be hearing a lot more about in the near future: ... Keep Reading
Civitas Poll: Don’t Ban Bags
Despite the NC Senate giving final passage to SB 1018 last night, a majority of North Carolina voters do not agree with the General Assembly banning the use of plastic shopping ... Keep Reading
China, San Fran, NC?
The NC House passed a bill today that will allow the state to join a very exclusive list of governments that have banned single-use plastic shopping bags.The two other places these ... Keep Reading
Corn Ethanol: A Bad Joke
Today's WSJ has an article highlighting what is inherently obvious: when you burn part of the food supply, the price of groceries will increase:The Congressional Budget Office ... Keep Reading
Civitas Poll: Only Half of NC Voters Think Global Warming is Man Made
Despite repeated claims that “the debate is over” only one-half of voters in North Carolina believe global warming is caused by human activity according to a new poll released ... Keep Reading
Earth Day Remembrance
Let us look back on Earth Day and a too little remembered story that is forever linked to its founding. It is a story I had heard before but had not thought about recently until I ... Keep Reading
Hold on to your wallets — and your TVs.
The bureaucrats are moving quickly. First it's smoking, now it’s TVs. The American tells of a proposal by the California Energy Commission (CER) to regulate ... Keep Reading