Ben Lieberman explains one of the problems of trying to control carbon from the top-down, revealing an international prisoner's dilemma for the ages:It is important to note that ... Keep Reading
Environment & Energy
Nobel Committee Discredits Itself Again
Here's a quick roundup of the backlash: - A judge in Britain hammers Gore's propaganda film.- Joe Bast of Heartland says "“Al Gore doesn't understand the science behind ... Keep Reading
Climate Change: Adaptation, says Lomborg
Bjorn Lomborg has a sensible piece in the Charlotte Observer today about climate change. He thinks we're causing it. I agree with more Richard Lindzen, however, that we may be ... Keep Reading
Recycling: Green Church Selling Indulgences?
One of my heros, Mike Munger, has a great piece on recycling in Durham here. His case is fairly simple: if it's a valuable resource, someone will pay you to take it away. If it's ... Keep Reading
Policy Watch’s Chief Scientist Offers “Reality Check”
Rob Schofield, ever one to drop hyperbole bombs on fact and rational argument, doesn't get through the first paragraph of this "reality check" before offering us names ... Keep Reading
WRAL on Pollution and Transit
This article on WRAL is not only bad journalism, but bad propaganda: As the Triangle grows, traffic grows, and so grows air pollution. This is flat wrong. Air pollution over time ... Keep Reading
Zero-sum Game, Positive-Sum World
(Cross-posted from EnvironmentNC.)Greens are all excited about this publically-funded game from the people who bring you NPR. It’s supposed to teach us lessons about environmental ... Keep Reading
Greens: Is History Repeating Itself?
(Cross-posted from Environment NC.)I would encourage anyone who is concerned about the environment - and, indeed, involved in environmental causes - to take a look at this (pdf) ... Keep Reading
Climate Change: So Much for Consensus
From DailyTech:Medical researcher Dr. Klaus-Martin Schulte recently updated this research. ...[H]e examined all papers published from 2004 to February 2007. The results have been ... Keep Reading
Climate Change: Inquisition 2
Here's a good piece from my wandering friend Cris Lingle, writing in the Japan Times. Here's a sliver:Citing computer model forecasts to justify scientific consensus about climate ... Keep Reading